Jet Stream

Strange Boutique

Circumstances collided and colluded, and for the first time in over 20 years there is new Strange Boutique music to share; a new EP, featuring the single "Jet Stream" ... a song of childlike wonder and hope. Sonically picking up right where we left off, the new single finds the band pulsing, bouncing and bending, as our lyrical protagonist
Circumstances collided and colluded, and for the first time in over 20 years there is new Strange Boutique music to share; a new EP, featuring the single "Jet Stream" ... a song of childlike wonder and hope. Sonically picking up right where we left off, the new single finds the band pulsing, bouncing and bending, as our lyrical protagonist searches for an inner hero.

And, just because it felt good we revisited "We Treat the Blindness" ... this rendition, dubbed "Blindness”, swings and sways in all the right ways. Lastly, a loving Boutique style folktale disguised as a neo-glam-romp. “Lightfoot Floyd” tells the story of our original guitar Superman. May the tale be told.

For the first time ever we handed our tracks to a couple of like minded, sympathetic friends and gave them carte blanche to reimagine, reinvent, rework and remix “Jet Stream” into whatever they fancied. We’re blown away by what we got back!!!
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Check out all of Strange Boutique's  music on their Bandcamp page!